@nick_hodowanec Instagram account analysis
Nick Hodowanec
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Nick Hodowanec
Nick Hodowanec, a distinguished figure in digital marketing and social media strategies, gained recognition for optimizing brand growth through innovative campaigns. With notable stints at major corporations, his expertise has considerably influenced marketing trends. Nick's background combines strong family values with professional acumen, making him a respected leader in his field.
@nick_hodowanec's Hot Topics
Gregory Hodowanec Obituary (1921 - 2021) - Edison, NJ
Gregory Hodowanec Sr. WWII veteran, R&D engineer, author on cosmology Gregory Hodowanec Sr. passed away on July 9, 2021, at the Veteran's Memorial Home in...
37 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@nick_hodowanec Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@nick_hodowanec's Daily New Followers
Follower count remains constant at 486 across all dates, showing no significant change.
@nick_hodowanec's Historical Stats
Overall, account metrics (followers, following, posts) display minimal variance, with following number showing slight fluctuations between 670 and 671.
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