@dra.deolanebezerra Instagram account analysis
Deolane Bezerra ⚖️
@Deolane Bezerra ⚖️'s other accounts
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Deolane Bezerra ⚖️ Deus é bom o tempo todo 🙏🏻 CEO: @deobeautyoficial Publi: assessoriadeolane@gmail.com
Deolane Bezerra, a renowned Brazilian lawyer and influencer, gained fame after her husband MC Kevin's tragic death. She pivoted towards entertainment, amassing millions of followers. Involved in fashion and cosmetics ventures, she's celebrated for her legal expertise and media presence, making impactful appearances on several Brazilian TV shows.
@dra.deolanebezerra's Hot Topics
Deolane Bezerra aposta em microshort e top decotadíssimo para ensaio: ‘Carnaval 2024’
A advogada e influencer Deolane Bezerra , de 36 anos, apostou em um look de top decotadíssimo e microshort para ensaio de Carnaval,...
11 months agoDeolane Bezerra homenageia MC Kevin no dia em que faria 25 anos
Nas redes sociais, Deolane Bezerra presta homenagem emocionante para ex-marido.
19 months agoDeolane Bezerra inicia campanha de Marcos Oliveira com valor altíssimo: ‘Beiçola’
Deolane Bezerra, esteve no Rio de Janeiro este final de semana, e reservou a tarde de domingo (1º), para uma ação especial: ela foi visitar o ator Marcos...
5 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@dra.deolanebezerra Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@dra.deolanebezerra's Daily New Followers
Follower count showed a gradual decrease from 22,139,076 on November 17 to 22,090,350 by December 6.
@dra.deolanebezerra's Historical Stats
Analysis across all dimensions reveals a slight decline in followers, with minor fluctuations in following numbers and a stable post count around 294.
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