@kiernanshipka Instagram account analysis
Kiernan Shipka
@Kiernan Shipka's other accounts
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Kiernan Shipka
Kiernan Shipka, renowned for her role as Sally Draper in "Mad Men," has since flourished in her career with notable appearances in "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" and "Swimming with Sharks." Celebrated for her potent performances since childhood, Shipka's talent shines in both television and film, endearing her to a broad audience.
@kiernanshipka's Hot Topics
'Sweethearts' Review: Kiernan Shipka Leads Reductive, Raunchy Rom-Com
Two college freshmen make a pact to dump their troublesome significant others in 'Sweethearts,' a well-intentioned albeit dull directorial...
11 hours agoKiernan Shipka And Nico Hiraga Took The Costar Test, And I Literally Can't Stop Laughing
Kiernan Shipka and Nico Hiraga star in the recently released rom-com Sweethearts. They play longtime best friends and college freshmen who...
1 day agoExclusive: Kiernan Shipka Is in Her Fun Era
The 25-year-old has been laser-focused on work since her days as a child star on 'Mad Men'—but now, after releasing five whole movies this...
3 days agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@kiernanshipka Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@kiernanshipka's Daily New Followers
Slight decrease in followers observed over two weeks, indicating stagnant or minimal user engagement.
@kiernanshipka's Historical Stats
Comprehensive analysis reveals a stable following number with minor fluctuations, a decrease in posts, indicating lowered activity or strategic content reduction.
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