@junhui_moon Instagram account analysis
JUN 文俊辉
@JUN 文俊辉's other accounts
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Jun (文俊辉), a prominent member of K-pop group SEVENTEEN, hails from Shenzhen, China. Known for his mesmerizing dance skills and melodious voice, Jun has captivated fans worldwide. Beyond his group activities, he's embarked on solo projects and acted in Chinese dramas, enhancing his reputation across both music and acting spheres.
@junhui_moon's Hot Topics
淨漢入伍 JUN回中國演戲 缺席SEVENTEEN活動
3 months ago《云归喜事》官宣开机 张云龙张佳宁文俊辉赵昭仪“整活”新世界
3 weeks agoSEVENTEEN尹净汉年内入伍 JUN 在华拍戏
2 days agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@junhui_moon Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
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@junhui_moon's Daily New Followers
Steady increase in follower numbers observed, indicating growth and enhanced engagement.
@junhui_moon's Historical Stats
Follower growth, consistency in following, and post numbers suggest stable account activity with periodic content updates.
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