@wesleysafadao Instagram account analysis
Wesley Safadão
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Wesley Safadão Ouça Agora “Ninguém Sabe”👇🏼
Wesley Safadão, a powerhouse in Brazilian music, surged from humble beginnings in Fortaleza to stardom with hits like "Camarote." His distinct forró and sertanejo style has filled arenas worldwide. A frequent collaborator with stars like Anitta, Safadão also shines on TV and nurtures business ventures, contributing significantly to his industry.
@wesleysafadao's Hot Topics
Nego do Borel, Anitta e Wesley Safadão lançam clipe de “Você Partiu Meu Coração”
Saiu o clipe de “Você Partiu Meu Coração”, single novo de Nego do Borel! A música conta com participações de Anitta e Wesley Safadão,...
93 months agoShow de Wesley Safadão bate recorde de público no São João de Cruz
Show de Wesley Safadão bate recorde de público no São João de Cruz ... Wesley Safadão, atração mais esperada do São João de Cruz das Almas, levou...
17 months agoWesley Safadão passa por segunda cirurgia na coluna: 'Hérnia de disco'
O cantor de forró Wesley Safadão se submeteu a um novo procedimento cirúrgico na coluna, a fim de corrigir um quadro de hérnia de disco.
2 months agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@wesleysafadao Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@wesleysafadao's Daily New Followers
Fluctuations observed with slight increase trend. Minor drops and rises indicate normal follower dynamics.
@wesleysafadao's Historical Stats
Overall, slight increases in followers, minor variations in following numbers, and a consistent uptick in the number of posts point towards active account management.
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