@yg_treasure_official Instagram account analysis
@TREASURE (트레저)'s other accounts
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TREASURE, a vibrant South Korean boy band formed by YG Entertainment in 2020, quickly captured hearts globally with their debut album, "The First Step: Chapter One." Known for hits like "BOY" and "I LOVE YOU," their dynamic performances and charismatic appearances have secured a massive, dedicated fanbase, marking significant influence in K-pop.
@yg_treasure_official's Hot Topics
트레저 '잘 다녀왔어요' [STARPIC] / TREASURE Arrival - at Gimpo Airport 20241205
http://www.youtube.com/c/스타플러스STARPLUS [스타뉴스 임성균 기자 / tjdrbs23@mt.co.kr] 그룹 트레저(TREASURE) 최현석, 지훈, 요시, 준규,...
1 day ago트레저(TREASURE), 도영~ 생일🎂축하해용🎉2차 생일파티는🎉집으로 (입국)[뉴스엔TV]
[김포국제공항=뉴스엔 김기태 기자] 가수 트레저 멤버 최현석, 지훈, 요시, 준규, 윤재혁, 아사히, 도영, 하루토, 박정우, 소정환이 12월 5일 오후...
20 hours ago"별이라도 따줄게"…트레저, 'YG표 카리스마' 던진 '라스트 나이트' [쥬크박스]
한눈에 보는 오늘 : 연예가 화제 - 뉴스 : (엑스포츠뉴스 장인영 기자) 그룹 트레저(TREASURE)가 그간의 카리스마 깃든 퍼포먼스와는 또 다른 음악...
22 hours agoInstagram Activity Tracking
@yg_treasure_official Instagram Activity Analyzed
This analysis report tracked and analyzed the account across multiple dimensions.
What it Tracks:
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@yg_treasure_official's Daily New Followers
Gradual increase in fan count observed over selected dates, indicating steady growth and engagement.
@yg_treasure_official's Historical Stats
Analysis across dates shows an upward trend in followers and posts, reflecting strong content strategy and audience retention.
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